I'm Dannte (Dan), Im form Argentina (the greatest country in the world).I like to cook, read and draw (fakemons principally) and every now and then I do some sport or something like that.And for last, Im a bug and animal enthusiast, I love researching and learning about animals (And partially I do it to make more fakemons)

I also like animanga , my faves are:1.Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
3.Pandora Hearts
4.Houseki no Kuni
6.The Boxer
7.Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
9.Mob Psycho 100
10.Blue Period
12.Neon Genesis Evangelion
13.Ao no Exorcist
14.Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
15.Vanitas no Carte
16.Fullmetal Alchemist
17.Chainsaw Man

I dont play a big variety of games, I like Pokemon (my fave one), Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Smash Bros, etcThis year Im planning on playing Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest, Paper Mario and some SMT games (Devil Survivor and Persona 3)And I do a lot of Pokemon Nuzlockes

I also like other things, I like, Percy Jackson, The Owl House, Amphibia, Wakfu, Adventure Time, Trollhunters, Ghibli, Studio Chizu and others, and I also like, movies and music so theres that